• Idioma: Español, Calidad: DVDScreener HQ, Tamaño: 1,8 GB, Formato: Avi


  • Idioma: Español, Calidad: DVDScreener HQ, Tamaño: 1,8 GB, Formato: Avi


  • Idioma: Español, Calidad: DVDScreener, Tamaño: 2,8 GB, Formato: Avi

Overcoming Diseases during the Rainy Season (Part 2)

The infectious diseases of the respiratory tract that are associated with the rainy season are usually transmitted by droplets or by direct contact with objects that have been contaminated with the secretion of infected people. 

The common cold is a generally benign and self-limiting infection of the nose and upper respiratory tract that is caused by many different viruses. The flu on the other hand, has more severe signs and symptoms than the common cold. It is also a viral infection, but the viruses that cause it are the influenza type A & B viruses, which frequently mutate and add new pathogenic strains to the influenza viral pool. The newest addition to the influenza viral pool is of course the much celebrated influenza A (H1N1) virus. The other upper respiratory tract infections that occur during the rainy season are likewise generally benign, but as in the case of flu and even the common cold, they sometimes complicate - pneumonia and bronchitis and become life-threatening.
<The common cold is a generally benign and self-limiting infection of the nose and upper respiratory tract that is caused by many different viruses. The flu on the other hand, has more severe signs and symptoms than the common cold. It is also a viral infection, but the viruses that cause it are the influenza type A & B viruses, which frequently mutate and add new pathogenic strains to the influenza viral pool. The newest addition to the influenza viral pool is of course the much celebrated influenza A (H1N1) virus. The other upper respiratory tract infections that occur during the rainy season are likewise generally benign, but as in the case of flu and even the common cold, they sometimes complicate - pneumonia and bronchitis and become life-threatening.

How to overcome cold and flu during rainy season? Just boost your immune system! We often heard that prevention is the best medicine; take these tips to boost your energy before the cold or flu strikes.

1. Eat veggies that are packed with beta-carotene, which our body turns into Vitamin A. Vitamin A strengthens cells and helps them defend against invading bacteria. So load up on beta-carotene laden carrots, squash, sweet potatoes and spinach. These veggies also contain Vitamin C, an immunity support.
2. Soup up your immunity. Eat or drink plenty of soup. When we slowly simmer foods over low heat, we gently leach out the energetic and therapeutic properties of the foods, preserving the nutritional value of the food and making it easier for our body to assimilate the nutrients.
3. Studies show that our immune system function drops by an average of 60% after just three nights of poor sleep, so we really need plenty of quality rest, at least sleep eight hours each night.

Panduan Lengkap Cara Membuat Facebook

Panduan Lengkap Cara Membuat Facebook - Jaman sekarang ini Facebook sudah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat umum dikalangan masyarakat. Hampir semua kalangan sudah menggunakan Facebook sebagai sarana bersosialisasi melalui dunia maya. Tapi sudahkah anda tau Cara membuat Facebook? Saya rasa masih banyak juga yang belum begitu mengerti cara membuat akun facebook. Oleh sebab itu, kali ini saya akan memberikan Panduan Lengkap Cara Membuat Facebook. Silahkan disimak dibawah ini.

1. Ketikkan
2. Dihalaman Sign up isikan data yang diajukan oleh FaceBook lalu tekan SIGN UP
3. Isi Security Check lalu tekan SIGN UP
4. Confirm email kamu dengan masuk ke alamat email yang didaftarkan ke FaceBook tadi dan meng-klik kode verifikasi yang di berikan FaceBook melalui email anda
5. Selamat karena anda kini sudah memiliki account di FaceBook

Untuk menjelajah di FaceBook berikut langkah awal yang bisa anda lakukan

1. Confirm friend. Tekan tombol Confirm jika anda menginginkan orang tersebut masuk daftar list teman anda
2. Find Friend. Fasilitas ini untuk mencari teman di faceBook melalui daftar email teman yang anda miliki. Jika teman tersebut memiliki account di FaceBook, maka ia dapat langsung menjadi teman anda di FaceBook
3. Fill Out Your Profile Info. fasilitas tersebut sebgai data dimana anda bersekolah, kuliah ataupun bekerja. Tekan SAVE untuk menyimpan
4. Select People You Know. Fasilitas ini untuk memberikan referensi kepada anda teman yang sudah terlebih dahulu bergabung dengan FaceBook. Jika anda menghendaki mereka menjadi teman anda, anda bisa mengajak mereka bergabung
5. Join a Network. Fasilitas FaceBook untuk memilih jaringan dimana anda berada. Jika anda berasal dari luar US/Canada/UK pilih OTHER COUNTRY dan pilih negara yang anda inginkan.
6. View and Edit Profile. Isi data pribadi anda mengenai hobby, kegemaran dan aktifitas anda agar teman di FaceBook lebih mengenal jati diri anda. Jangan lupa tambahkan foto dengan cara upload agar data anda lebih komplit

Ok deh itu sekilas cara membuat account dan bergabung dengan FaceBook. Silahkan melengkapinya dengan Tutorial faceBook yang lainnya agar Profil anda di FaceBook bisa lebih maksimal.


  • Idioma: Español, Calidad: TSScreener HQ, Tamaño: 1,5 GB, Formato: Avi

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Download SMADAV 8.6 Pro Terbaru - Sekarang SMADAV Update Menjadi SMADAV 8.6. Update Versi Smadav anda ke SMADAV Terbaru 8.6. Update Smadav kali ini adalah dalam rangka Penambahan database 100 virus baru, Penyempurnaan fitur Smadav-Updater, Pendeteksian khusus untuk virus Ramnit, Sality, & OneLetter yang menyebar via USB Flash Disk, dan hal-hal lain. Berikut ini informasi tentang SMADAV 8.6 - SMADAV 8.6 PRO dan SMADAV 8.6 PRO Serial KEY.

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Smadav Pro dapat melakukan update otomatis dengan koneksi internet setiap ada revisi barunya. Smadav akan meng-install revisi barunya secara otomatis tanpa perintah pengguna. Berbeda dengan Smadav Free, Anda masih harus melakukan update secara manual dengan men-download revisi baru di dan membuka program Smadav terlebih dulu untuk meng-update Smadav pada komputer Anda.
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Smadav Pro mempunyai 2 pilihan bahasa (Indonesia & Inggris). Anda dapat memilih bahasa inggris jika Anda merasa lebih mudah menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk sebagai bahasa utama Smadav.
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Smadav versi Free hanya diizinkan untuk penggunaan non-profit seperti komputer/laptop pribadi di rumah atau organisasi non-profit. Sedangkan Smadav versi Pro digunakan untuk donatur Smadav atau lembaga/organisasi profit (perusahaan, warnet, toko, rental, service komputer, studio, dll.)
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  • Idioma: Español, Calidad: DVDScreener, Tamaño: 2,5 GB, Formato: Avi


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Overcoming Diseases during the Rainy Season

The Philippines now braces for rainy season.  And rainy season is synonymous to diseases. I don稚 like rainy season, I frequently got sick during this days.
 The rain carries the risk of contracting certain diseases like respiratory diseases ・cold, influenza, pneumonia and bronchitis; diarrheal diseases;  dengue;  malaria and leptospirosis.

It is likely to minimize if not overcome these diseases by observing some simple measures:
1. Use rain gear such as umbrellas and raincoats to avoid exposure to rain and cold weather.
2. Avoid crowded and poorly ventilated areas.
3. Avoid close contact with people who appear ill and who have fever and cough.
4. Drink only safe water傭oil water if its safety is in doubt.
5. Drain stagnant water from open containers such as drums and old tires, which are the breeding places of mosquitoes. Ensure that drains and gutters and sewage lines are not clogged.
6. Do not wade or swim in floodwaters.
7. Observe good personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. This include thorough washing of hands with soap and water especially before eating or touching the eyes and nose with the hands.

BY: KLennggg


