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Credit : e991

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Profil Juna Rorimpandey | Biodata Master Chef Juna

Profil Juna Rorimpandey | Biodata Master Chef Juna - Juna rorimpadey atau dikenal juga dengan panggilan Master Chef Juna merupakan salah satu juri Master Chef Indonesia dan dianggap paling sering berkomentar pedas, bahkan menghardik kontestan yang ikut dalam kontes memasak yang tayang di stasiun televisi RCTI itu.

Profil Juna Rorimpandey - Biodata Master Chef JunaProfil Biodata Chef Juna Rorimpandey yang lengkap akan kami sampaikan kepada Anda para pecinta acara Master Chef Indonesia yang ditayangkan RCTI setiap hari sabtu dan minggu. Salah satu juri di Master Chef Indonesia bernama Chef Juna yang kita kenal dengan wajahnya yang ganteng dan kritikan-kritikan yang keras dan sering menjatuhkan.

Chef Juna dengan nama asli Junior Rorimpandey, dikenal dengan nama akrap juna, Chef Juna lahir pada 20 Juli 1975. Sebelum diadakannya acara Master Chef Indonesia, nama chef juna kurang begitu terkenal di telinga masyarakat Indonesia, wajar karena Chef ini lebih terkenal di luar negeri. Kok bisa begitu ya ??

Dengan ciri khas keras, tegas dan ganteng, chef juna lebih disegani oleh para peserta Master Chef Indonesia. Kritikan yang pedas jika mendapatkan tampilan dan rasa makanan yang disajikan tidak bagus, sering membuat para peserta down.

Sebelumnya banyak orang mengira chef juna bukan seorang chef beneran, karena tampangnya seperti model dengan tatto di tangannya. Akan tetapi ketika chef juna demo memasak, dari cara memegang pisau dan kecepatan mengiris bombay terlihat dia sangat profesional dalam melakukannya. Serta waktu ia membuang paprika dan garnish pada hidangan yang dimasak salah satu peserta, Kenapa? Jelas aja karena paprika nggak akan dihidangkan mentah-mentah di piring. Di luar negeri, walaupun hanya dijadikan hiasan, yang tersaji di sebuah piring itu harus bisa dimakan. Beda dengan Indonesia, yang rata-rata hiasannya menggunakan sayuran mentah dan ituhanya hiasan, bukan untuk dimakan.

Biodata Juna Rorimpandey:
Nama: Juna Rorimpandey
TTL: Manado, 20 Juli 1975

Foto-Foto Master Chef Juna Rorimpandey :

Facebook Chef Juna
Riwayat Chef Juna Biodata Foto Chef Juna
Profil Juna Rorimpandey - Biodata Master Chef Juna
Profil Juna Rorimpandey - Biodata Master Chef Juna


  • Idioma: Español, Calidad: DVDScreener, Tamaño: 1,45 GB, Formato: Avi

India Independence Day 2011 Wallpapers

India Independence Day

In the midnight of August 15 1947, India got its freedom from British rule. They become free country again from that date onwards, after many years of British colonial law. The otherwise concealed tri-colored banner of India was given its due admiration, when it was raised on the Independence Day midnight. The red-letter day has been celebrated since then with gaiety and pomp, across the breadth and length of India.

Date of India Independence Day 2011

When is India Independence Day 2011? 64th India Independence Day in 2011 will be celebrated on Monday, 15 August 2011.

Historical Background of India Independence Day

India was a very rich country in the 16th and 17th centuries as of its agricultural minerals and products. Western nations always needed to develop trade in this country and after lots of efforts French and Dutch and British were capable to launch the deal with India. Each of these countries established their trading business in India to conduct their own trades. The most powerful out of them is the East India Company which was established by British in Calcutta. With time pass, the British gain more power and influence and by the end of 19th century has India mostly under their colony.

In 1946, the Labour government in Britain, its exchequer exhausted by the recently concluded World War II, and conscious that it had neither the mandate at home, the international support, nor the reliability of native forces for continuing to control an increasingly restless India, decided to end British rule of India, and in early 1947 Britain announced its intention of transferring power no later than June 1948.

Finally, at the stroke of midnight, as India moved into August 15, 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru, read out the famous “Tryst With Destiny” speech proclaiming India’s independence. India, now a smaller Union of India, became an independent country with official ceremonies taking place in New Delhi, and with Jawaharlal Nehru assuming the office of the first prime minister, and the viceroy, Louis Mountbatten, staying on as its first Governor General.

India Independence Day 2011 Celebrations

Cultural shows and flag raising rituals are the main affair of the moment as brilliant kites occupy the night sky to signify freedom. People pamper themselves in reminiscing the heroes of democracy fight and pay respect to them.

In all the colleges and schools across this country, no school work is made on Independence Day however all the staff members and students would be in their schools to rejoice the day. A type of social meeting is prepared in the learning institutions in which cultural plans are plans are arranged. Flag raising ceremony takes place within their particular premises. Students sing their national anthem as the flag is raised by the head of the school and give respect to their flag and to support the power of the nation.

Others as home spend this day by watching special programs on TV or going for an outing. Greater part of the individual tune in the morning to Doordarshan to view the live broadcast of Prime Minister’s speech at Delhi at the Red Fort since it’s the highlight of the Independence Day celebration in India. Prime Minister’s speech and nationalistic song and documentaries viewing excerpts from the independence struggle are televised on the local channels, whilst the private TV stations have enough programs to ensure their viewers are pleased throughout the day.

They broadcast cultural shows, movies related to independence, as well as India nationalist songs which relive the patriotism in individuals. Shops across India are instructed to remain closed on the day, but you can see some small stores and groceries open starting late in the afternoon. All offices stay closed on the 15th of August.

A nice and wonderful place to hang out in the middle of the night as the center of attraction on Independence Day is the India Gate because the formation is beautifully illuminated. The sky is occupied with kites of numerous colors and shapes.

Overall, Indian Independence Day is certainly a festival much anticipated by a lot of people in the country of India each and every year.

Happy India Independence Day 2011 !

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